Climate change may affect kinship care patterns in Africa

April 17, 2024

A new study highlights the effects climate change may have on children and social support systems in Africa, a question that has received relatively little attention from researchers and the policy community.

Webinar to address community engagement, equitable development

April 12, 2024

Communities are sustainable and equitable when residents play a meaningful role in the deliberations, discussions, decision-making and implementation of projects or programs affecting them, according to Penn State Extension educators, who will host a webinar addressing community engagement, capacity building and equitable development.

Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences honors outstanding alumni

April 12, 2024

Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences recently honored three of its alumni with 2024 Outstanding Alumni Awards: Vijay Nandula, Shah Chowdhury and Hunter Swisher.

Ag Science alumna uses her experiences at Penn State to open equine business

April 11, 2024

After graduating from Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in community, environment and development, and minors in international agriculture and anthropology, Gillian Warner opened Warner Equine out of Tadpole Lane Farm in Pennsylvania Furnace in 2022.

Immersion experience offers lessons for aspiring agriscience teachers

April 11, 2024

Sarah Beaver could have opted for a beach getaway for spring break. Instead, the first-year student in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences dedicated her time to imparting lessons on global citizenship to high school students in Houston, Texas.  

Innovation linked to international exports for both rural and urban firms

March 28, 2024

U.S. companies actively engaged in creating innovative products or processes are more likely to expand into international markets, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers. The findings, which apply to both rural and urban companies, could inform efforts aimed at boosting U.S. exports.

Course in College of Ag Sciences expands to add focus on human and animal health

March 21, 2024

Community Environment and Development 497: Community-Engaged Learning with Pennsylvania Farmworkers is an out-of-the-classroom, community-engaged course offered by Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences. This year, the course will include a new farmworker and animal health component.

Project reveals pandemic perceptions in Alaskan fishing community

March 11, 2024

Penn State researchers examined community member's COVID-19 perceptions in Bristol Bay, Alaska, home to the world’s largest commercial salmon fishery, and found perceptions of risk varied across race/ethnicity groups by residency and income.

Teaching excellence recognized in College of Agricultural Sciences

March 7, 2024

Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences has recognized seven faculty members for outstanding teaching in 2023.

Stable profits, land preservation matter to farmers debating solar leases

February 12, 2024

While a stable and predictable profit is an important factor to Pennsylvania farmers considering leasing out their land for solar energy development, it’s not enough on its own, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers.

Evaluating the quality of civilian transitions in post-9/11 veterans

February 12, 2024

Researchers at Penn State’s Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness have developed a new framework for assessing the quality of military-to-civilian transitions among post-9/11 veterans. They published their work in the journal Armed Forces and Society.

Penn State's 'Stories from the Field' returns with spring 2024 lineup

February 7, 2024

Penn State’s “Stories from the Field” conversation series is returning this spring with two new sessions. Topics will include community and economic development work in the changing and diversifying city of Hazelton, as well as helping Pennsylvania’s communities reduce emissions with the Local Climate Action Program.

Supplementing financial aid with education may benefit SNAP recipients

February 2, 2024

Pairing education with financial assistance from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program could help to improve diet quality, according to new research published in the journal Agricultural Economics.

'Growing Impact' podcast explores effect of solar energy's expansion on land use

February 2, 2024

The latest episode of the "Growing Impact" podcast explores how to minimize the conflict that can occur when considering placement of solar energy installations.

Ukrainian youth researchers collaborate in multi-site refugee program

January 31, 2024

A multilateral team consisting of Penn State, Leibnitz University (Hannover, Germany), Galway University (Galway, Ireland), and Maria Grzegorzewska University (Warsaw, Poland) is currently conducting a multi-site study with Ukrainian Refugee Youth.

Book co-authored by Penn State's Levon Esters to highlight power of HBCUs

January 23, 2024

A new book co-authored by Levon T. Esters, vice provost for graduate education, dean of the Graduate School at Penn State, and professor in the College of Agricultural Sciences, highlights the role that historically Black colleges and universities play in empowering Black students, fostering economic development, building community, and mentoring leaders and activists.

Veterans of color and female veterans reported more stress during COVID-19

January 23, 2024

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State found veterans of color and female veterans reported significantly higher levels of stress than their white male counterparts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Schreyer Honors College announces 2024 Alumni Award recipients

January 17, 2024

Penn State’s Schreyer Honors College has chosen six Scholar alumni who will receive 2024 Scholar Alumni Awards in recognition of their professional achievements and contributions.

Women farmers quantitatively linked to better community well-being

January 17, 2024

Having more women in agriculture is associated with greater community well-being, according to researchers at Penn State and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Their work is the first to quantitatively assess this link, and their findings suggest that women farmers approach their operations in ways that positively impact their communities.

Economics propelling population shifts in spite of climate-driven risks

January 12, 2024

People are willing to live in locations where there is a greater risk of climate-driven extreme weather and natural disasters if there is an increase to their overall economic well-being, according to a study by a Penn State researcher.

Penn State agricultural teacher education program receives national award

December 18, 2023

The agricultural teacher education team from Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences was lauded by the National Association of Agricultural Educators for exemplary performance and dedication to agricultural education.

Penn State senior aims to create positive impact through agricultural education

December 7, 2023

Senior Brandon Bixler has packed a lot of experiences into his four years at Penn State. From conducting undergraduate research in Nepal to being named a finalist for the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship, Bixler credits the support of faculty in the College of Agricultural Sciences and the agricultural and extension education major with making his journey possible.

Helping non-clinical staff identify problematic sexual behaviors among children

December 5, 2023

A Penn State research team partnered with the U.S. Department of Defense to develop an easy-to-use tool to help non-clinically trained staff members, such as classroom aids, lunchroom workers and teachers, identify problematic sexual behaviors so that they can be more immediately addressed.

College of Ag Sciences recognizes faculty, staff for research achievements

November 21, 2023

Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences lauded outstanding accomplishments in research during the 2023 Research Awards Ceremony, held Nov. 1 at the Hintz Family Alumni Center on the University Park campus.

Collaborative landscape design approach may improve resiliency, human well-being

November 6, 2023

A framework called regenerative landscape design may improve how complex, interconnected environmental and social challenges, such as climate change and biodiversity loss, are addressed, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers.

Two Penn Staters named finalists for Rhodes Scholarship

November 2, 2023

Two Penn Staters were named finalists for the Rhodes Scholarship, one of the most sought-after international scholarships in the world.

Convincing consumers to love ‘imperfect’ foods with new USDA grant

October 30, 2023

A new grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture will fund a new project aiming to reduce food waste by finding opportunities for foods that were previously considered undesirable to enter grocery stores and other sectors of the market across the United States.

Trip to Uganda has a profound impact on Penn State graduate student

October 27, 2023

For doctoral student and agricultural educator Mia Sullivan, traveling to Uganda this past summer with Penn State’s Global Teach Ag Network will be the foundation for her studies and future career.

TikTok may help farmers cultivate empathy around climate change

October 4, 2023

Farmers are used to growing crops and producing other goods, but a new study led by Penn State researchers suggests the social media platform TikTok may help them cultivate something new: empathy around the issue of climate change.

Penn State's 'Stories from the Field' returns with fall lineup

October 2, 2023

Penn State’s “Stories from the Field” conversation series is returning with two fall sessions. Speakers will share stories and lessons learned from programs devoted to farmers’ mental health and workers affected by substance use disorders.