Robert Chiles, Ph.D.

Robert Chiles, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Rural Sociology
  • Research Associate, Rock Ethics Institute
110C Armsby Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Environmental sociology
  • Food and agricultural ethics
  • Science, knowledge, and technology
  • Culture and consumption
  • Social psychology
  • Animals and society
  • Qualitative research methods


  • BA, Philosophy and Political Science, Stanford University
  • MS, Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • PhD, Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Optimization and reflexivity in interdisciplinary agri-environmental scholarship
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Chiles, Robert Magneson, Drohan, Patrick, Cibin, Raj, O’Sullivan, Lilian, O'Sullivan, Lilian, Doody, Donnacha, Schulte, Rogier, Grady, Caitlin, Jiang, Fei, Preisendanz, Heather E., Gall, H, Dingkuhn, Elsa Ligaya, Veith, Tamie, Anderson, Aine, 2023

Animals and Society, Chiles, Robert Magneson, Mendel, Catherine, 2023

The ethics of cellular agriculture, Zhu, Stephanie, Tami-Barrera, Lina, Chiles, Robert M., Broad, Garrett M., 2023

Negotiating legitimacy: Neoliberal and agrarian strategies to resolve the enigma of animal welfare
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, Chiles, Robert, Lougheed, Scott, 2022

Thick and thin food justice approaches in the evaluation of cellular agriculture
Nature Food, Broad, Garrett M., Chiles, Robert M., 2022

AgriTech Investor and Informant Perspectives About Cellular Agriculture
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Gagnon, Mark, Broad, Garrett, Grandison, Kelia, Chiles, Robert, 2022

Empowering students to confront environmental injustice: Dialogue, theory, empathy, and partnership.
SN social sciences, Chiles, Robert, Ard, K, Teixeira-Poit, S, Flora, C, Williams, R, Grady, C, 2022

Ecosystem Benefits Provision of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Chinese Sponge Cities
Environmental Management, Wang, Rui, Wu, Hong, Chiles, Robert, 2022

Legitimating Visions, Mitigating Risks: Industrial and Agrarian Strategies to Resolve the Enigma of Animal Welfare
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, Chiles, Robert, Lougheed, Scott, 2022

Empathic choices for animals versus humans: the role of choice context and perceived cost
Journal of Social Psychology, Cameron, C. Daryl, Lengieza, Michael, Swim, J, Hadjiandreou,, Eliana, Hadjiandreou, Eliana, Swim, Janet, Chiles, R, Hadjiandreou, Eliana, Chiles, Robert M., 2022

Principles of foodservice ethics: a general review
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Sharma, Amit, Jolly, Phillip M., Chiles, Robert, DiPietro, Robin, Jaykumar, Angeline, Kesa, Hema, Monteiro, Heather, Roberts, Kevin, Saulais, Laure, 2021

Democratizing ownership and participation in the 4th Industrial Revolution: challenges and opportunities in cellular agriculture
Agriculture and Human Values, Chiles, Robert, Broad, Garrett, Gagnon, Mark, Glenna, L, Negowetti, Nicole, Gagnon, M, Glenna, Leland, Negowetti, Nicole, Griffin, Megan A.M., Tami-Barrera, Lina, Tami-Barrera, Lina, Griffin, Megan, Baker, Siena, Beck, Kelly, 2021

The epistemological and methodological foundations of qualitative research
International Sociological Association eSymposium, Niebauer, Allison, Traore, Abou, Turowetz, Jason, Chiles, Robert, 2020

Consumer agency and the ethical obligations of food service providers in an era of cheap food, racial inequality, and neoliberal governance, Chiles, Robert, 2019

Qualitative Research Ethics in the Big Data Era: Part II
American Behavioral Scientist, Glenna, Leland, Hesse, Arielle, Hinrichs, Clare, Chiles, Robert, Sachs, Carolyn, 2019

Qualitative Research Ethics in the Big-Data Era
American Behavioral Scientist, Glenna, Leland, Hesse, Arielle, Hinrichs, Clare, Chiles, Robert, Sachs, C, 2019

Cell-culture technology and potential impacts on livestock production
Drovers, Campbell, J, Felix, Tara, Hines, E, Chiles, R, 2019

Livestock intensification strategies in Rwanda: Ethical implications for animals and a consideration of potential alternatives, Chiles, Robert, Christy, Celize, 2019

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture: Reconciling the Epistemological, Ethical, Political, and Practical Challenges
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Chiles, Robert M., Fabian, Eileen E., Tobin, Daniel, Colby, Scott J., DePue, S. Molly, 2018

“Taking back the narrative” - A dialogue with Food Justice Detroit’s Renee Wallace about culture change, consciousness, and compost
Public Philosophy Journal, Van Wieren, Gretel, Rachman, Steven, Chiles, Robert, Tsantsoulas, Tiffany, 2018

Constructing a new food ethics: Waste and discourses of difference
The Public Philosophy Journal, Tsantsoulas, Tiffany, Chiles, Robert, Rachman, Steven, Van Wieren, Gretel, Wallace, Renee, 2018

Getting Wasted: Going beyond ‘agrarian vs. industrial’ and moving towards a new food ethics
Public Philosophy Journal, Rachman, Stephen, Tsantsoulas, Tiffany, Chiles, Robert, Van Wieren, Gretel, Wallace, Renee, 2018

Agri-food firms, universities, and corporate social responsibility: What's in the public interest?
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, Chiles, Robert M., Glenna, Leland, Sharma, Amit, Catchmark, Jeffrey, Azzara, C. Daniel, Maretzki, Audrey, 2018

Why is meat so important in Western history and culture? A genealogical critique of political-economic and biophysical explanations
Agriculture and Human Values, Chiles, Robert, Fitzgerald, Amy, 2017

Food System Fragility and Resilience in the Aftermath of Disruption and Controversy
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Chiles, Robert M., 2016

Introduction: From sustainability to surveillance, Chiles, Robert, 2014