Mark A. Brennan, Ph.D.

Mark A. Brennan, Ph.D.

  • Professor and UNESCO Chair on Global Citizenship Education for Sustainable Peace through Youth and Community Engagement
204C Ferguson Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Community
  • Community and Leadership Development
  • International Development
  • Research Methods and Statistics
  • Social Change/Social Movements
  • Rural Sociology
  • Environmental/Natural Resource Sociology


  • Ph.D., Rural Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University, 2003
  • M.S., Rural Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University, 1994
  • B.S., Sociology, Salisbury University, 1992


55% Teaching

25% Research

20% Extension and Outreach

Research Interests

My research, teaching, writing, and program development concentrates on the role of community and leadership development in the community, youth, and rural development process.  In this context, much of my work has focused on community action, civic engagement, youth development, locally based natural resource management, economic development, and social justice.  This work has involved extensive comparative research throughout the United States, Europe, Central/South America, Africa, and Asia. 


2021-2022 Fulbright Scholar, University of Galway, Ireland

2019 Penn State Milton S. Eisenhower Award for Distinguished Teaching

2019 Community of Teaching Excellence Award

2016 Community of Teaching Excellence Award

2016 Excellence in Teaching Award, Gamma Sigma Delta National Honors Society

2014 W. LaMarr Kopp International Achievement Award

2012 Community of Teaching Excellence Award 

Fulbright Scholar, 2011, National University of Ireland, Galway 

Distinguished Honors Teaching Faculty. Schreyer Honors College/PSU. 2011-2014 

Current Research Award from the Community Development Society, 2010

UNESCO Fellow, National University of Ireland-Galway, 2009 

Visiting Research Fellow, National University of Ireland-Galway, 2007 & 2008 

Richard Jones Outstanding New Faculty Research Award, University of Florida, 2008 

Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Chiba University, Japan, 2007

Current/Recent Courses

  • AEE/EDCE 360, Leadership Development for Small Groups 
  • AEE/EDCE 460, Foundations of Leadership Development 
  • AEE/EDCE 465, Leadership Practices - Power, Influence, and Impact
  • EDCE 505, Leadership Development
  • EDCE 520, Scientific Method in the Study of Education, Development and Community Engagement


Murphy, C., Dolan, P., Brennan, M., and Browne, G. 2022.  Ionbhá: The Empathy Book For Ireland.  Mercier Press, Kildare, Ireland.

Brennan, M., Phillips, R., Hales, B., and Walzer, N. (eds).  2022.  Community Development in Times of Crisis: Creating Caring Communities.  Routledge: New York. 

Brennan, M., Phillips, R., and Li, T. (eds.)  2020. Culture, Community, and Development. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Publishers.

Brennan, M.A., (ed.)  2013. Community Leadership Development:  A Compendium of Theory, Research, and Application.  Routledge/Taylor & Francis Publishers.

Brennan, M.A., Bridger, J.C., and Alter, T. (eds.)  2013.  Theory, Practice, and Community Development.  Routledge/Taylor & Francis Publishers.

Selected Peer Review Publications

    Brennan, M., Dolan, P. & Regan, C. “Youth, Equity, Community and Social Justice Through Sport:  A Case Study of The Gaelic Athletic Association”.  Youth (Social Justice Youth Development through Sport and Physical Activity).  (in press).

    Brennan, M. and Dolan, P.  2024.  “Understanding Community Theory: Historical Roots and Contemporary Perspectives” in Introduction to Community Development. Phillips, R., Pittman, R., and Sutt, A (Eds). Routledge: London.

    Matu, J. and Brennan, M.  2023.  “A multiple case study of the relationship between voluntary local review and voluntary national review in promoting knowledge acquisition of education-related sustainable development in technical and vocational education and training in Pittsburgh, USA, and Nairobi, Kenya.”  Research in Comparative and International Education. (in press)

    Agole, D., Baggett, C., Brennan, M., and Crump, A.  2023.  " Characterization of Disabilities Among Young Farmers in Uganda".  Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education. (in press). 

    Unay, I. & Brennan, M.  2023. “An examination of digital empathy: When farmers speak for the climate through TikTokJournal of Rural Studies.  120: August 2023.

    Gil, A., Brennan, M., Chaudhary, A., Maximova, S. 2023.  “Evaluation of cacao projects in Colombia: the case of the rural Productive Partnerships Project (PAAP)”. Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning. 97.

    Unay, I. & Brennan, M.  2023. “Young farmers in “The New World of Work”: The contribution of new media to the work engagement and farmer identity.” Rural Sociology. 88(2): 426-460.

    Unay, I. & Brennan, M.  2022. “How digital communications may contribute to shaping the career paths of youth: a review study focused on farming as a career option.”  Agriculture and Human Values.  39: 1491-1508.

    Berardi, K., Brennan, M., Dolan, P., Winters, D. and White, A.  2022.  Fostering Empathy for Well-Being Across the Life Span: Implications for Individuals and Communities and Suggestions to Increase Empathy  In International Handbook Quality of Life and Social Change.  Walther, C. (Ed.)  Springer Publishers: New York.

    Brennan, M. and Dolan, P. 2022.  “Reflections on Learning Emapthy.”  Ionbhá: The Empathy Book For Ireland.  Mercier Press, Kildare, Ireland.

    Brennan, M.  2022.  “Empathy for the Devil.”  Ionbhá: The Empathy Book For Ireland.  Mercier Press, Kildare, Ireland.  (forthcoming).

    Walzer, N.,  Brennan, M., Phillips, R., and Hales, B.2022.  “Conclusion:  Aspiring to Caring Communities” in Creating Caring Communities to Overcome Times of Crisis.  Routledge/Taylor & Francis Publishers. 

    Olson, B. and Brennan, M.  2022.  “Inclusion, Representation, and United Responses to Community Crisis” in Creating Caring Communities to Overcome Times of Crisis.  Routledge/Taylor & Francis Publishers. 

    Brennan, M., Phillips, R., Hales, B., and Walzer, N.  2022.  “Introduction: The Potential for Caring Communities to Meet Times of Crisis” in Creating Caring Communities to Overcome Times of Crisis.  Routledge/Taylor & Francis Publishers. 

    Unay, I. & Brennan, M.  2022.  “How digital communications may contribute to shaping the career paths of youth: a review study focused on farming as a career option.”  Agriculture and Human Values.   August 2022.

    Brennan, M., Dolan, P., and Smith, A. 2022.  “Preparing Youth for Active Citizenship and Social Justice.”  Education, Citizenship and Social Justice.

    Brennan, M., Dolan, P., and Odera, E. 2022.  “From Regiments to Radicals: The critical need for empowering youth as radical agents of change.”  Education, Citizenship and Social Justice.

    Odera, E., Brennan, M., Dolan, P. and Davis, J., 2022.  “Enhancing Research and Practice: Understanding Paths and Options for Youth Citizenship and Social Justice.”  Education, Citizenship and Social Justice.

    Brennan, M. and Phillips, R.  2021.  “Culture, Community, and Development: A Critical Interrelationship.”  In Culture, Community, and DevelopmentM. Brennan and R. Phillips, Editors. Pages: 3-15. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

    Brennan, M. and Phillips, R.  2021.  “Introduction: Culture, Creative Arts, and Community.”  In Culture, Community, and Development.  Pages 1-3. M. Brennan and R. Phillips, Editors.  New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

    Phillips, R and Brennan, M.  2021.  “Connecting Industry and the Arts for Community Development: The Art Hop of Burlington, Vermont.”   In Culture, Community, and DevelopmentM. Brennan and R. Phillips, Editors.  Pages: 227-237. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

    Agole, D., Baggett, C., Brennan, M., and Ewing, J.  2021.  "Determinants of cohesion in smallholder farmer groups in Uganda".  Advances in Agricultural Development. 2(1), 26–41.

    Agole, D., Baggett, C Ewing, J., Brennan, M., and Yoder, E.  2021.   Determinants of Participation of Young Farmers with and without Disability in Agricultural Capacity-building Programs Designed for the Public in Uganda.  Sustainable Agriculture Research. 10(2): 74-86.

    Alotaibi, B., Yoder, E., and Brennan, M.  2021.  Perception of organic farmers towards organic agriculture and extension services.  Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences.  28(5): 2980-2986.

    Osmane, S., Brennan, M., and Dolan, P.  2021. “Understanding and Assessing Construct Validity of the Social Provisions Scale: Implications for Youth Development.”  Journal of Youth Development.  16(4): 183-201.

    Malcolm, J., Brennan, M., Dolan, P., and Webster, N.  2020.  "Beyond Participation; No Research About Us Without Us."  Community Development. 51 (5): 703-720.

    Lonie, J., Brennan, M. and Alter, T.  2020. “Perceived Public Value, Community Building, and Sustainable Leadership Development in Agriculture: A Case Study of Capacity Building through the Nuffield International Farming Scholars Program.”  In Introduction to Sustainable Development Leadership and Strategies in Higher Education.  Sengupta, E., Blessinger, P., and Yamin, T. Editors.  Pages 83-100.  London, UK: Emerald Publishing.

    Berardi, M., White, A., Winters, D. and Brennan, M. 2020. “Rebuilding Communities with Empathy.”  Local Development & Society. 1(1): 57-67.

    Alotaibi, B., E., Brennan, M., and Yoder, E.  2019.  “Training Needs of Extension Agents' Regarding Organic Agriculture in Saudi Arabia"  Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning. 77: 101711

    Osmane, S. and Brennan, M.  2018. "Predictors of Leadership Skills of Pennsylvanian Youth."  Community Development, 49:3, 341-357.

    Olson, B. and Brennan, M.  2018. “From Community Engagement to Community Emergence: The Holistic Program Design Approach."  International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. 5(1): 5-19. 

    Eissler, S., Brennan, M., Larson, E.  2017.  “The Centrality of Community in Achieving Child and Youth Welfare". In The Routledge Handbook of Global Child Welfare., p.59-74.  P. Dolan and N. Frost, Editors. Routledge.

    Olson, B. and Brennan, M.  2017.  “From Community Engagement to Community Emergence:  A Conceptual Framework and Model to Rethink Youth-Community Interaction".  In The Comprehensive Handbook for Community Development. R. Phillips and B. McGrath, Editors. Taylor & Francis Publishers. 

    Tobin, D., Brennan, M. Bates, R. and Gill, T.  2016. “Peru Potato Potential: Biodiversity Conservation and Value Chain Development." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 1: 1-14.  July 2016.

    Theodori, G., Luloff, A., Brennan, M. and Bridger, J.  2016.  “Making Sense of “Making Sense": A Critical Response."  Rural Sociology.  81(1): 35-45.

    Tobin, D., Brennan, M. and Radhakrishna, R.  2016. “Food access and pro-poor value chains: a community case study in the central highlands of Peru." Agriculture and Human Values. 33(4): 895-909.

    Willits, F. and Brennan, M.  2015.  “Another Look at College Student's Ratings of Course Quality: Data from Penn State Student Surveys in Three Settings."  Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education.  41(6) 1-20.

    Larson, E., Luloff, A., Bridger, J., and Brennan, M.  2015.  “Community as a Mechanism for Transcending Well-being at the Individual, Social, and Ecological Levels."  Journal of the Community Development Society. 46(4): 407-419.

    Willits, F. and Brennan, M.  2015.  "Changing Perceptions of the University as a Community of Learning:  The Case of Penn State."  International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.  28(1): 66-74.

    Willits, F. and Brennan, M.  2015.  "The University as a Community of Learning: Perceptions of Students and Teachers in Three Settings."  Journal of the World Universities Forum.  8(3): 19-29.

    Butterbaugh, K., Brennan, M., and Dolan, P.  2014. “Obstacles to Youth Civic Engagement in Ireland and Pennsylvania."  Youth Studies Ireland. 7(1):  15-23

    McGrath, B., Brady, B., Brennan, M, Dolan, P.  2014.  "Understanding Youth Civic Engagement: Debates, Discourses and Lessons From Practice."  Journal of the Community Development Society. 45(4):  300-316.

    Buta, N., Brennan, M.A. and Holland, S. 2013.  “Citizen Differences in Attitudes Towards the Environment and Pro-Environmental Engagement: Findings from Rural Romania." Journal of Park and Recreation Administration.  31(2): 6-27.

    Hightower, L., Niewolny, K., and Brennan, M. A. 2013. “Immigrant Farming Programs and Social Capital: Evaluating Community and Economic Outcomes through Social Capital Theory." Journal of the Community Development Society. 44(5): 582-596.

    McGrath, B., Brennan, M.A., Dolan, P., and Barnett, R.  2013.  “Adolescents and their Networks of Social Support: Real Connections in Real Lives?"  Child and Family Social Work. 19: 237-248.

    Buta, N., Brennan, M.A., Holland, S., and Kaplanidou, K.  2012.  “A Mixed Method Investigation of Community Attachment in Rural Romania."  Journal of Rural Social Sciences.  27(1): 24-51.

    Tobin, D., Brennan, M.A., Olsen, B., and Bruening, T.  2012.  “Agricultural Extension and Market-Led Agrarian Reform:  Findings from an Exploratory Case Study in Limpopo Province, South Africa."  The Journal of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education. 19(2): 39-52.

    Matarrita-Cascante, D. and Brennan. M.A.  2012. “Conceptualizing Community Development in the 21st Century". Journal of the Community Development Society. 43(3): 293-305.

    Radhakrishna, R., Tobin, D., Brennan, M.A., Thomson, J.  2012.  “Ensuring Data Quality in Extension Research and Evaluation Studies."  Journal of Extension.  50(3): June 2012.

    McGrath, B. and Brennan, M.A. 2011. “Tradition, Cultures and Communities: Exploring the Potentials of Music and the Arts for Community Development in Appalachia."  Journal of the Community Development Society.  42(3): 332-350.

    Matarrita-Cascante, D., Brennan, M.A., and Luloff, A.E. 2011. "Community Agency and Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of La Fortuna, Costa Rica." Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 22(1): 1-22.

    Bates, S.L., Barnett, R.V., Brennan, M.A. and Israel, G.D.  2010.  “Understanding the link between gender role conflict, resilience, and propensity for suicide in adolescent and emerging adult males". International Journal of Men's Health.  9(3): 201-210.

    Kurihara, S., Maruyama, A., Shimoura, S. and Brennan, M. A. 2010. “A Structural Analysis of Environmental Preservation Consciousness and Behavior: Findings from a Survey of the Everglades Region."  Japanese Journal of Farm Management. 48(2):  113-118.

    Kurihara, S., Maruyama, A., Shimoura, S. and Brennan, M. A. 2010. “International Difference in Consumers' Food Safety Concern: Comparison between Japan, the United States, China, and Ireland." HortResearch64: 67-75.

    Bates, S.L., Barnett, R.V., Brennan, M.A. and Israel, G.D.  2010.  “Gender Role Conflict and Resiliency in Adolescent/Emerging Adult Males". Journal of Men's Studies.   18(1): 3-21.

    Kurihara, S., Shimoura, S., Brennan, M. A., and Maruyama, A.  2009. “Purchasing Behavior of Co-op Members toward Food Safety: Using the Multinominal Logit Analysis which Introduced the Reference Point Concept."  Japanese Journal of Farm Management 47(1):145-148.

    Bridger, J.C., Brennan, M.A., and Luloff, A.E. 2009. “The Interactional Approach to Community", Chapter 9, p. 85-100 included in J. Robinson and G. Green (eds.), New Perspectives in Community Development. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.

    Brennan, M.A., and Barnett, R. 2009. “Bridging Community and Youth Development: Exploring Theory, Research, and Application." Journal of the Community Development Society. 44(4): 305-311.

    Brennan, M.A., Barnett, R., and McGrath, B. 2009. “The Intersection of Youth & Community Development in Ireland and Florida: Building Stronger Communities through Youth Civic Engagement." Journal of the Community Development Society . 44(4): 331-346. 

    Bolton, E., Brennan, M.A. and Terry, B. 2009. "Students Learn How Nonprofits Utilize Volunteers through Inquiry-Based Learning." International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 21(3): 285-294.

    McGrath, B., Brennan, M.A., Dolan, P., and Barnett, R. 2009. “Adolescent well-being and supporting contexts: a comparison of rural adolescents in Ireland and Florida." Journal Community and Applied Social Psychology . 19: 299-320.

    Brennan, M.A., and Dodd, A. 2009. “Exploring Citizen Involvement in the Restoration of the Florida Everglades." Society and Natural Resources. 22(4): 324-338.

    Brennan, M.A., C. Flint, and Luloff, A.E. 2009. “Bringing Together Local Culture and Rural Development: Findings from Ireland, Pennsylvania, and Alaska." Sociologia Ruralis. 49(1): 97-112.

    Brennan, M.A. and Israel, G. 2008. “The Power of Community: Advancing Community Theory by Understanding Community Power." Journal of the Community Development Society . 39(2): 82-98.

    Brennan, M. A. and Brown, R. 2008. “Standing at the Crossroads: Advances, Obstacles, and Future Directions for Community Theory." Journal of the Community Development Society . 39(2): 1-5.

    Barnett, R.V. and Brennan, M.A. 2008. “Youth Volunteers: The Effects of Influences, Motivations, and Receptivity on Volunteerism." International Journal of Volunteer Administration. 25(1): 39-51.

    Brennan, M.A. 2008. “Conceptualizing Resiliency: An Interactional Perspective for Community and Youth Development." Special issue of Child Care in Practice Building - Resilience in Children, Families, and Communities. 14(1): 55-64.

    Brennan, M.A., Barnett, R., and Lesmeister, M. 2007. “Enhancing Leadership, Local Capacity, and Youth Involvement in the Community Development Process: Findings from a Survey of Florida Youth." Journal of the Community Development Society . 38(4): 13-27.

    Brennan, M.A. and Flint, C. 2007. “Uncovering the Hidden Dimensions of Rural Disaster Mitigation: Capacity Building through Community Emergency Response Teams." Southern Rural Sociology. 22(2): 104-118.

    Flint, C. and Brennan, M.A. 2007. “Rural Communities and Disaster: Research from the US Gulf States and Beyond." Southern Rural Sociology. 22(2): 1-4.

    Brennan, M.A., Barnett, R., and Baugh, E. 2007. “Youth Involvement in Community Development: Implications and Possibilities for Extension." Journal of Extension 45(4):

    Brennan, M.A. 2007. “Placing Volunteers at the Center of Community Development." International Journal of Volunteer Administration. 24(4): 5-13.

    Brennan, M.A., Luloff, A.E., and Ricketts, K. D. 2007. “A Comparison of Agency at the Community Level: Findings from Rural Ireland and Pennsylvania." International Review of Modern Sociology. 33(1): 97-116.

    Brennan, M.A. and Luloff, A.E. 2007. “Exploring Rural Community Agency Differences in Ireland and Pennsylvania." Journal of Rural Studies 23: 52-61.

    Brennan, M.A. 2007. “The Development of Community in the West of Ireland: A Return to Killala Twenty Years On." Community Development Journal. 42(3): 330-374.

    Barnett, R. and Brennan, M.A. 2006. “Integrating Youth into Community Development: Implications for Policy Planning and Program Evaluation." Journal of Youth Development. 1(2): 2-16.

    Flint, C. and Brennan, M.A. 2006. “Community Emergency Response Teams: From disaster responders to community builders." Rural Realities. 1(3): 1-9.

    Luloff, A.E., Bridger, J.C., and Brennan, M.A. 2006. “Achieving Sustainable Communities," p. 393-416 included in R B. McKinstry, C. M. Ripp, E. Lisy (eds.), Biological Conservation Handbook: State, Local, and Private Protection of Biological Diversity. Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute.

    Brennan, M.A., Flint, C., and Barnett, R. 2005. “Community Volunteers: The Front Line of Disaster Response." Journal of Volunteer Administration. 23(4): 52-56.

    Brennan, M.A., Luloff, A.E., and Finley, J.C. 2005. “Building Sustainable Communities in Forested Regions." Society and Natural Resources. 18(9): 1-11.

    Brennan, M.A. 2005. “Volunteerism and Community Development: A Comparison of Factors Shaping Volunteer Behavior in Ireland and America." Journal of Volunteer Administration. 23(2): 20-28.

    Brennan, M.A. and Luloff, A.E. 2005. “A Cooperative Approach to Rural Development in Ireland: Cultural Artifacts and the Irish Diaspora as an Example." Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education. 12(1): 15-25.

    Luloff, A.E., Brennan, M.A., and Bridger, J.C. 2004. “The Economic Impact of Tourism in Adams County: The Influence of Gettysburg National Military Park and the Eisenhower National Historic Site," p. 349-355 included in Camarda et al. (eds.) Global Challenges of Parks and Protective Area Management. Carlo Delfino Publishers: Sassari, IT.