- Han, Yicheol, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2017. "Overlapping Labour Market Areas Based on Link Communities: Overlapping Labour Market Areas." Papers in Regional Science, October. https://doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12326.
- Davlasheridze, Meri, Stephan Goetz, and Yicheol Han. 2018. "The Effect of Mental Illness on U.S. County Economic Growth." The Review of Regional Studies 48: 155-71.
- Loveridge, S. and D. Paredes. Are Rural Costs of Living Lower? Evidence from a Big Mac Index Approach. International Regional Science Review. Published online before print May 27, 2016, doi: 10.1177/0160017616650488.
- Goetz, S.J. (2016, in press) "The Roles of Agricultural Economists in Food Systems Research," Review of Agricultural and Environmental Economics.
- Liang, J. and S.J. Goetz (2016) "Self-Employment and Trade Shock Mitigation," Small Business Economics, 46: 45-56. Published online 19 September 2015.
- "Local food systems and interactions with entrepreneurship" -- a special issue of Food Distribution Research sponsored by NARDeP. Published November 2014, it features six case studies.