The M.S. degree is a research-oriented degree. Thus, a strong component of the M.S. candidate's program includes training in scientific methods as well as in techniques of analysis applicable to the field.
M.S. candidates in Rural Sociology are expected to develop an understanding of rural sociology, research methods and statistics, and a general awareness of substantive, theoretical and methodological issues of fields within sociology (such as community and international development, demography, agriculture and food systems, or environment and natural resources).
Course requirements for the MS include:
RSOC 502 "Use of Theory in Rural Sociology"
RSOC 513 "Research Methods in Rural Social Sciences"
Two graduate-level (500 and above) statistics courses (selected in consultation with graduate program coordinator and your adviser)
RSOC 516 "Change in Rural Society" OR R SOC 517 "International Social Change"
AEREC/RSOC 590 "Colloquium" in the first semester and 1 additional credit of AEREC 590/RSOC 590 prior to graduation
Two additional graduate-level courses in Rural Sociology
- 6 credits of RSOC 600 "Research Thesis Credits"
A plan of study is devised in consultation with the student's graduate committee, both to meet these recommendations, and to craft a curriculum that is tailored to the student's academic background and career goals.