Extension Disaster Education Network adds community development resources


EDEN has become the venue for Extension professionals to:

  • Connect with others doing disaster-related work
  • Attend disaster education meetings, workshops, and webinars
  • Reach out to Extension colleagues when help is needed

Materials available to Extension Educators include:

  • Guides to help communities develop groups to assist in disaster recovery. Materials include sample agendas, letters of invitation and an array of documents useful in organizing Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COADs).
  • The Ready Business curriculum that includes a PowerPoint, presenter notes, handouts and promotional materials. Many other courses are available.
  • Webinars for Extension professionals to learn about disaster resources and programs used by their colleagues, keep up-to-date on federal disaster programs, and assemble a toolbox for building disaster resilient communities.
  • EDEN CED Program Area Work Group (PAWG) members regularly add to the program content. Recent Smith-Lever Special needs grants enabled PAWG members to develop the Community Capitals Framework (Flora, et al.) as the lens to measure community disaster recovery, developing a community preparedness program, Ready Community, and developing disaster survival and recovery phone applications.

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